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Thursday, September 8

Stephen Wolfram, CEO of Wolfram Research and Creator of Wolfram|Alpha
"Who's Bigger? A Quantitative Analysis of Historical Fame"
Steven Skiena, Professor, Stony Brook University
"Academic Data: A Funder's Perspective"
Myron Gutmann, Assistant Director, Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation (NSF)
"Who Owns the Law?"
Ed Walters, CEO, Fastcase, Inc.
"An Initiative to Improve Academic and Commercial Data Sharing in Cancer Research"
Charles Hugh-Jones, Vice President, Head, Medical Affairs North America, Sanofi
"The Trouble with House Elves: Computational Folkloristics, Classification, and Hypergraphs"
Timothy Tangherlini, Professor, UCLA
James Abello, Research Professor, DIMACS - Rutgers University
"Rethinking Digital Research"
Kaitlin Thaney, Manager, External Partnerships, Digital Science
"Building and Learning from Social Networks"
Chris McConnell, Principal Software Development Lead, Microsoft Research FUSE Labs
"Keeping Repositories in Synchronization: NISO/OAI ResourceSync Project"
Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO
"A New, Searchable SDMX Registry of Country-Level Health, Education, and Financial Data"
Chris Dickey, Director, Research and Innovations, DevInfo Support Group
"Dryad's Evolving Proof of Concept and the Metadata Hook"
Jane Greenberg, Professor, School of Information and Library Science (SILS), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"How the Associated Press Tabulates and Distributes Votes in US Elections"
Brian Scanlon, Director of Election Services, The Associated Press
"How Open Is Open Data?"
Ian White, President, Urban Mapping, Inc.
"No More Tablets of Stone: Enabling the User to Weight Our Data and Shape Our Research"
Toby Green, Head of Publishing, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
"Sharing and Protecting Confidential Data: Real-World Examples"
Timothy Mulcahy, Principal Research Scientist, NORC at the University of Chicago
"Language Models That Stimulate Creativity"
Matthew Huebert, Programmer/Designer, BrainTripping
"The Analytic Potential of Long-Tail Data: Sharable Data and Reuse Value"
Carole Palmer, Center for Informatics Research in Science & Scholarship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Evolution of the Storage Brain—Using History to Predict the Future"
Larry Freeman, Senior Technologist, NetApp, Inc.

Friday, September 9

"Devices, Data, and Dollars"
John Burbank, President, Strategic Initiatives, The Nielsen Company
"Pulling Structured Data Out of Unstructured"
Greg Lindahl, CTO, blekko
"Mining Consumer Data for Insights and Trends"
Rohit Chauhan, Group Executive, MasterCard Worldwide
"Data Quality and Customer Behavioral Modeling"
Daniel Krasner, Chief Data Scientist, Sailthru/KFit Solutions
  "Human-Powered Analysis with Crowdsourcing and Visualization"
Edwin Chen, Data Scientist, Twitter
"Leveraging Social Media Data as Real-Time Indicators of X"
Maria Singson, Vice President, Country and Industry Research & Forecasting, IHS
Chris Hansen, Director, IHS
Dan Bergstresser, Chief Economist, Janys Analytics
"Visualizations in Yelp"
Jim Blomo, Engineering Manager, Data-Mining, Yelp
"The Digital Footprints of Human Activity"
Stanislav Sobolevsky, MIT SENSEable City Lab
"Unleash Your Research: The Wolfram Data Repository"
Matthew Day, Manager, Data Repository, Wolfram Alpha LLC
"Quantifying Online Discussion: Unexpected Conclusions from Mass Participation"
Sascha Mombartz, Creative Director, Urtak
"Statistical Physics for Non-physicists: Obesity Spreading and Information Flow in Society"
Hernán Makse, Professor, City College of New York
"Neuroscience Data: Past, Present, and Future"
Chinh Dang, CTO, Allen Institute for Brain Science
"Finding Hidden Structure in Complex Networks"
Yong-Yeol Ahn, Assistant Professor, Indiana University Bloomington
"Data Challenges in Health Monitoring and Diagnostics"
Anthony Smart, Chief Science Officer, Scanadu
  "Datascience Automation with Wolfram|Alpha Pro"
Taliesin Beynon, Manager and Development Lead, Wolfram Alpha LLC
"How Data Science, the Web, and Linked Data Are Changing Medicine"
Joanne Luciano, Research Associate Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"Unstructured Data and the Role of Natural Language Processing"
Philip Resnik, Professor, University of Maryland
"A Framework for Measuring Social Quality of Content Based on User Behavior"
Nanda Kishore, CTO, ShareThis, Inc.
"The Science of Social Data"
Hilary Mason, Chief Scientist, bitly
"Big Data for Small Languages"
Laura Welcher, Director of Operations, The Rosetta Project
"Moving from Information to Insight"
Anthony Scriffignano, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Data & Insight, Dun and Bradstreet
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